Boosting Your Media Visibility: Maximizing FPA MediaSource in Your Business
Join the FPA of New England and FPA Director of Public Relations Ben Lewis for an interactive session on how you can amplify your presence in the media through FPA MediaSource. This live, in-person session will touch on the necessary skills required to engage journalists and provide an overview of FPA MediaSource, how best to respond to reporter queries, and what to do with the coverage you receive. A couple of mock interviews will be conducted to help everyone understand how to frame responses to reporter questions. The session will be held on January 25th at Pioneer Investments from 2-4 pm.
Please note that the media training is open to all FPA members and everyone is welcome to join in. However, FPA MediaSource is only accessible to those FPA members who are also CFP® professionals.
To register for Boosting Your Media Visibility, please visit FPA MA