Join us for our August Practice Group Meetings


August 2nd: Boston South Group

The Nuts and Bolts of using FPA Connect. Come hear how other members are using this important benefit.

Time: 8:30 to 10:30 am

Location: Stonestreet Financial, Inc. 532 Page Street, Stoughton, MA


August 9th: Cape Cod Group

Client Loyalty 

Time: 8:30 to 10:30 am

Location: Cape Cod 5, Sandwich MA


August 16th: Metrowest Group

Traditional and Hybrid Long-Term Care Insurance

Time: 8:30 to 10:30 am

Location: Michael Orentich’s office, 134 Turnpike Rd. Suite 300, Southborough, MA


Network with your peers, exchange ideas and learn ways to elevate your work as a financial planner by attending a local practice group for FPA of New England members. Other professionals who might be interested in becoming FPA of New England members are also welcome to attend.